Agenda for the SGM of Moray RFC to be held in the Clubhouse on Wed 3rd July 2013 at 7.30 pm.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minute of A.G.M. held on 3rd July 2013
3. Matters Arising
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Appointment of Office Bearers for 2011/12
a. * Honorary Treasurer b. * Director of Coaching c. * Ladies’ Convener
6.Proposed Motion – “That a Parental Member Category be included under Section 3 of the constitution and that it attract the same constitutional rights as Playing, Non-Playing and Lady Membership; Parental Membership to be available to parents or carers of Junior (Youth/Mini/Micro) members of the Club that have paid the appropriate Junior subscription for the same season. Also that the Parental Membership cost be set at £25 for the season 2013/2014 (Equivalent to the cost of Lady membership).” Proposer: Michael Letch; Seconder: Philip Kelly.
7. Proposed Motion – “That the Micro/Mini Convenor be a full member of the Club’s Executive Committee.” Proposer: Philip Kelly; Seconder: Michael Letch
8. A.O.C.B.
GLJC Hon. Sec.